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Mexico - Panama

El programa de Amijai invita a los participantes a conocer más sobre nuestra querida Eretz Israel a través de experiencias inolvidables que quedarán grabadas para el resto de sus vidas! Los invitamos a pasar el mejor año de sus vidas con nosotros, donde aprenderán sobre sionismo, torá y sobre la unión de nuestro pueblo.

Les otorgaremos herramientas para capacitarlos como buenos madrijim y nos conectaremos con la esencia de Bnei Akiva acá en Israel.


Todos los programas de World Bnei Akiva continúan funcionando durante este período desafiante en Israel. ¡Las solicitudes para 2025 ya están abiertas! La fecha límite, que coincide con la solicitud conjunta de Yeshiva y Seminario, se anunciará pronto.


En un vistazo

Duración: 8 meses

El programa Amijai de Bnei Akiva invita a chicos a vivenciar una experiencia única e inigualable en Israel, donde los participantes podrán incorporar conocimientos y aprendizajes a través de la experiencia propia, conocerán todo tipo de lugares como el  Kibutz, paisajes increíbles en Shvil Israel, las bases militares en Marva, y la vida del estudio de la torá en la Yeshiva y la Midrasha. 
Nuestro principal objetivo es que los jóvenes puedan tener un año significativo para ellos mismos. Un año donde tengan la oportunidad de conectarse con sus raíces, con el estudio de la torá, con nuestra querida tierra de Eretz Israel y con nuestro pueblo, Am Israel.   Aprenderán sobre la sociedad y cultura israeli, a tomar responsabilidades y decisiones por sí mismos y se capacitaran para ser líderes comunitarios e instructores experimentados.  
El programa Amijai incluye toda la programación educativa complementaria como excursiones, caminatas nocturnas, seminarios, actividades, paseos y conferencias. Materiales didácticos de apoyo, y un equipo de profesionales que los estarán acompañando a los chicos durante todo este camino que recorreremos juntos.

  • Leadership Training
    With our professional guidance‭, ‬and carefully crafted activities and workshops‭, ‬participants develop their own unique leadership‭ ‬skills‭, ‬and the confidence to serve as a personal example‭. ‬Through their own initiative and teamwork they establish and run committees that steer the very course of the program‭, ‬and work on individual and group projects to hone their skills‭. ‬Committees are responsible for many aspects of Mechina life including educational content‭, ‬PR‭, ‬cooking‭, ‬army preparation‭, ‬tiyulim and more‭.‬
  • Torah learning and lifestyle
    Our learning program teaches a religious Zionist and Modern Orthodox educational philosophy‭. ‬We believe in learning for the sake‭ ‬of growing which makes classes lively‭, ‬positive‭, ‬relevant and involved‭. ‬Topics studied include Torah and Jewish texts‭, ‬tfilla‭, ‬emuna‭, ‬Jewish history‭, ‬Zionism‭, ‬and philosophy‭. ‬You’ll be guided throughout‭, ‬and different levels will be catered for‭. ‬To be a participant on the Mechina‭, ‬you don’t need prior knowledge in Jewish studies‭ ‬‮–‬‭ ‬you just need commitment to learn and to grow‭.‬
  • Community Service
    As part of the immersion into Israeli society and to contribute to it‭, ‬participants dedicate time to volunteer within a local community‭. ‬Projects include teaching English in schools‭, ‬visiting the elderly‭, ‬working with people with disabilities‭, ‬and agricultural work‭.‬
  • Love of Israel
    Participants discover Israel both geographically and socially‭, ‬as we encourage them to challenge their pre-existing perceptions‭ ‬of the country and the people‭. ‬They are exposed to all sectors of the Israeli population‭, ‬and develop their own understanding of‭ ‬how the pioneering spirit is still very much alive in contemporary Israel‭. ‬With the Love and connection to the Land of Israel being such a core element of the program‭, ‬our participants grow to become the newest link in the chain of pioneers‭.‬
  • Fitness Camp and Army Preparation
    We make every effort to ensure that participants going into the IDF have a meaningful service‭. ‬Therefore‭, ‬there are classes and‭ ‬activities carefully designed to deal with a wide range of subjects relating to army service including ethics‭, ‬leadership and structure of the IDF‭. ‬Twice a week there are physical training classes for all participants‭. ‬Classes are run by professionals as well as by participants‭. ‬Participants gain self-empowerment through coping with physically challenging situations‭, ‬and develop physical fitness and mental stability‭.‬
  • Hebrew Learning
    Throughout the program‭, ‬our international participants take part in our own dedicated‭ ‬“Ulpan”‭ ‬‮–‬‭ ‬intensive Hebrew learning course‭, ‬with 2‭ ‬classes a week divided according to 3‭ ‬different levels‭: ‬beginner‭, ‬intermediate and advanced‭. ‬However the best Hebrew learning is through their daily interactions with their Israeli peers at the Mechina with whom‭ ‬they share everything‭.‬
  • Jewish Peoplehood
    The Mechina Olamit strives to bolster the link between Israel’s Jews and Diaspora Jewry through their common historical‭, ‬religious‭, ‬and cultural heritage‭. ‬We actively work to instill within‭ ‬our participants a desire for mutual action and commitment to a stronger and positive Jewish future‭.‬
  • Seminars, Camp, and Trips
    There are regular three to six-day seminars and trips around the country to expose the participants to a wide array of topics and build an intimate familiarity with land of Israel‭. ‬Seminars include‭: ‬Israeli society‭, ‬Shoah‭, ‬Zionism‭, ‬Jewish Peoplehood‭, ‬Gush‭ ‬Etzion‭, ‬Navigation‭, ‬Army preparation‭, ‬Desert Survival and Chovek Israel‭ ‬‮–‬‭ ‬the final two-week trip from North to South of Israel‭ ‬planned entirely by participants‭. ‬Participants help plan and run many aspects of each trip and seminar‭, ‬including building educational elements‭, ‬accommodation‭, ‬cooking‭, ‬navigating‭, ‬and guest speakers‭. ‬
  • Safety and Security
    We understand that applicants and their families may have concerns about participant safety over the course of the program, and about the dynamic security situation in Israel. Your safety & security is our number one priority. As an approved MASA program, all World Bnei Akiva Hachshara Israel programs follow the safety and security guidelines outlined by MASA for all their programs. Please visit the MASA safety page for more information and interactive video with MASA’s Chief Security Officer, Amir Keinan.
  • Health and Wellbeing
    World Bnei Akiva take our participants’ physical & emotional wellbeing very seriously. Noting the rise in emotional challenges amongst youth, we have commissioned the services and support of “Keshev”- a professional organization in the mental health and wellness field. Keshev provides us a with a wide variety of services including group sessions and one-on-one meetings with participants on topics of mental health such as anxiety, depression, sexuality, eating disorders and more. They provide emergency on-call support to staff, and designated on site hours for any participant who needs extra support mentally or emotionally. Through their team, our participants and staff are offered guidance and support needed, to help them to have an emotionally healthy and safe year. To learn more visit

Conoce a nuestro equipo!



Head of Program - Oz



Director of Israel Programs

How to apply


  1. Haga clic a continuación en el botón APLICAR AQUÍ  |  Una vez que haya comenzado el proceso de solicitud, puede volver a iniciar sesión tantas veces como desee para continuar con la solicitud.

  2. Regístrese con MASA en  |  Masa es un proyecto del gobierno israelí que ofrece a los participantes de hajshara una subvención automática, con más fondos disponibles basados ​​en las necesidades


 ¿Cuánto cuesta Amiajai? 

El precio de 2023/24 para el programa es de 14.000 dolares (Precio final luego de aplicar a la beca de Masa).  El costo cubrirá la matrícula, los seminarios, los tiyulim, el alojamiento, Shabatonim especiales que se haga con el grupo, actividades, material didáctico, el personal y el seguro médico.
No están cubierto el pasaje, los costos de atención óptica y tratamiento de problemas dentales previos, atención médica relacionada con condiciones preexistentes, vacunas contra la hepatitis y MMR lavandería para ciertas partes del año.  

 ¿Cómo sabré si he sido aceptado?

Después de que recibamos y revisemos su solicitud, se le invitará a una entrevista.  Su entrevista nos permite conocerlo un poco mejor y evaluar su idoneidad para el programa.  También le dará la oportunidad de hacer cualquier pregunta específica que pueda tener.


 Poco después de la entrevista, se le informará de su aceptación.  Su lugar será confirmado solo después de que se haya acordado el plan de pago.

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