Bnei Akiva in Austria was founded in Vienna before World War 2. During the Shoah Bnei Akiva was forced to shut down, but re-opened again after the war. Among the Founders of the new Snif was Professor Grunberger who until today serves a prominent leader of the Jewish community in Vienna. In addition, Rabbi Eisenberg was at a time a "Rosh Snif" and is now the Chief Rabbi of Austria; so too Mr. Gang, who today is the President of the "Misrachi" community in Vienna.
Today the Snif has approximately 60 members between 5-18 years old and is always growing. The Snif is located in one of the Jewish community buildings and is also the home of Vienna's Jewish Museum and the Misrachi Community, making it the heart of Jewish Vienna.
Bnei Akiva Vienna has weekly activities on Shabbat afternoon and once a month on Sunday, as well as special activities around Chagim. The Snif doors are never closed to the Chanichim, weather its a "movie-night" or "sleep-over" or just a place to hang out... The Snif is like a second home to the kids. Every Shabbat before the activities they begin with singing "Yad Achim" and "Hatikva", then gather for Tefilla. This demonstrates the devotion of the Snif to "Torah VaAvoda" as a way of life. Speaking about Israel and Judaism as one.
World Bnei Akiva contact person for Austria is Sari Mayer.
Austrian Jewry is eligble to participate in the following programs managed by World Bnei Akiva:
Shalhevet (Israel year program, ages 17-19)
Machane Sayarim (European Summer Camp, ages 15-16)
Shabbat Anafim (Shabbaton in Israel, ages 16-17)
European Leadership Seminar (for Madrichim)
Jewrovision (European song competition, ages 15+)
For all other programs managed by Bnei Akiva Austria, please check online links below, and/or contact our representative.