World Bnei Akiva has developed an expertise in providing high quality, relevant and professional educational seminars for the participants who come on our year programs to Israel from all around the globe. Our education department - the Chinuch Department - has also been a hub of educational support for our snifim (branches) around the world for many decades, providing materials, seminars, leadership development and more.
Today we are considered the worlds foremost expert on informal Jewish Zionist education, providing the Diaspora and Israel with strong and devoted individuals in leading positions for several generations.
See below for more info.

The World Bnei Akiva Dream Team is an exciting and brand new educational endeavor we are prioritizing for 2016 and beyond. Our aim is to educate and empower the madrichim (leaders) of Bnei Akiva around the world, thus strengthening the young leadership of the local Jewish communities, and enhancing the quality and level of the work of Bnei Akiva around the globe.
We have launched this global outreach program by sending our best educators - the Dream Team - to help train a new generation of educators in multiple locations around the world.

World Bnei Akiva believes in the importance of developing Jewish leadership and activism around the world, which is why we have created Machon.
The Machon period of our gap year programs in Israel is an intense and interactive seminar looking at Zionism, Israeli society, Jewish dilemmas, Israeli history, Israeli advocacy and leadership.
At Machon we are committed to training, inspiring and enriching the Jewish leaders of tomorrow. Providing a broad range of stimulating sessions, combined with exciting seminar days exploring Israeli society, you’ll be nurtured into making life-defining decisions. The Machon will develop your understanding of key areas relating to modern activism, Jewish life and the State of Israel.

Providing madrichim with educational materials to use in peulot, on camps, at seminars and any type of Bnei Akiva get-together or event is one of our core priorities.
Our database of is so large we have a seperate website for you to search and find what you need.
We have online materials in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish and of course Hebrew.
Mifkad & More: