As Bnei Akiva was founded in Israel, the same type of ideology appears as the "Shomer Hadati" movemnet in Poland and "Torah Vaavoda" in France.
The first Snifim develop in Strasbourg and Metz in the period before World War 2, and three machanot were organized. When the sky darkened in Europe, the movements chanichim were incorporated in the Jewish resistance and continued to organize Aliyot whenever possible.
In October 1945, Bnei Akiva of France was officially founded by a former movement Torah Vaavoda member, Rav Paul Roitman z''l. The activitied back then focused mainly on young non-religious families. The same year a group left France to settle in Sde Eliyahu and the first machane was organized with 130 chanichim.
Despite the crises caused by the departure of leaders for Israel, the movement grew rapidly, aided in this task by a national directorate formed in 1950. The first Hachshara program, a year of integration in Israel, started in 1966.
Although it is linked to many institutions, Bnei Akiva France has no less identity and soul in its own right! It is a religious Zionist youth movement and leads an ideological battle for Jewish life according to the Torah, as well as an attachment to the land of Israel and its reconstruction.
The movement is dedicated to French Jewish youth and puts all its efforts towards our brothers and sisters who are more or less distant from Judaism and Jewish values; in the hope of making them share our love for Am Israel and the Torah. Our educational efforts are also focused on Jewish unity in Israel as well as the Disapora.
Bnei Akiva France offers regular activities every Shabbat, fun activities regularly on Sundays as well as during school holidays, and also summer/winter camps in France and Israel.
The national headquarters of the movement is in Paris' 19th district and has branches in several towns in the Paris region and province, as well as in Marseille and Strasbourg.
Bnei Akiva France has thousands of Bogrim living in Israel, all who came to accomplish the ideals of the movement.
The Head of our French Desk is Eliezer Borgenicht.
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The Jewish communities in France are eligble to participate in the following programs managed by World Bnei Akiva:
Shalhevet (Israel year program)
Machane Sayarim (European Summer Camp, ages 15-16)
Shabbat Anafim (Shabbaton in Israel, ages 16-17)
European Leadership Seminar (for Madrichim)
Jewrovision (European song competition, ages 15+)
Camp Ariel (Summer camp in Israel, in French, ages 8-15)
For all other programs managed by Bnei Akiva France, please check online links below, and/or contact our Shlichim.

Connect with Bnei Akiva in France