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Kibbutz Update! - Kivun

Team Kivun

Updated: Dec 13, 2021

Two family groups of high school grads from 8 different countries have just begun their journey of discovery, personal development, independence, and adventure in Israel!

Stay tuned to this blog as we follow them around Israel as they forge their paths with Kivun!

Kivun is a Co-ed, experiential, 9-month Israel immersion program for the Northern Hemisphere, focusing on personal development, independent living and Jewish growth. Participants live in apartments in Jerusalem, where together with friends they learn about themselves, Judaism and Zionism through an incredible array of experiences such as Kibbutz, Volunteering, Seminars, Professional Internship, Magen David Adom, and IDF experience.


We have really been enjoying the past two weeks on Kibbutz!

Participants have been busy with the various Kibbutz jobs they have been working at including fields, landscaping, cows, kindergarten and more. After a great lunch in the Kibbutz Lunch Hall, the group has time for various activities including sports, art, and chavruta learning. Last week the group had the amazing opportunity to meet with Rudy Rochman, a noted speaker and writer on Jewish rights. He frequently speaks on college campuses and to organizations that are pro-Israel. Rochman is also known for his work as a Jewish & Israel rights activist on social media.

Our first week on Kibbutz overlapped with the 8-Days of Chanukah and enjoyed lighting together each evening with the Chanukiyot that the group made. Each night of Chanukah we had special programming such as candle-lighting with Kibbutz families and at the senior citizens’ centre, and the outstanding Kivun Chanukah party arranged by the participants. On Friday morning the group went on a special Tiyul in the area exploring the lush and beautiful place they are in. Shabbat on Kibbutz was really special, and kicked-off with Jake Lanzkron leading Kabalat Shabbat in the Beit Knesset for the entire Kibbutz! Finally, on the last night of Chanukah the Kibbutz held its annual “torch marathon” and our participants enthusiastically joined!

In addition to the special programming for Chanukah, we’ve had regular programming each day as well. Educational programming each day is run by the group directors, the madrichim and Rav Ari and there have been regular “peer led” programming which empowers participants to be in a position of initiative and leadership – last week we had programming by Chen Edreyi, Yona Taub and Ella Osen. Kibbutz is really a great opportunity for the group to focus on itself without the “distractions” of Jerusalem, and it’s wonderful to see how positive the past few weeks have been for them.

In addition, We are very excited to announce the new season for World Bnei Akiva: Kivun!

Registration for Kivun 2022/3 - 5783 opens October 7th, 2021

Please take a moment to think of any friends or family who, like your child, may be interested in a year in Israel of Jewish and personal growth and development – Their Hachshara. Their preparation for life!

Please direct them to for more information or to set up a call to learn more.


Interested in experiencing your Gap Year in Israel with World Bnei Akiva?!

Learn more about our programs here:


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