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Team Kivun

Eilat, Volunteering, and Purim!- Kivun

Updated: Sep 19, 2022

Two family groups of high school grads from 8 different countries have just begun their journey of discovery, personal development, independence, and adventure in Israel!

Stay tuned to this blog as we follow them around Israel as they forge their paths with Kivun!

Kivun is a Co-ed, experiential, 9-month Israel immersion program for the Northern Hemisphere, focusing on personal development, independent living and Jewish growth. Participants live in apartments in Jerusalem, where together with friends they learn about themselves, Judaism and Zionism through an incredible array of experiences such as Kibbutz, Volunteering, Seminars, Professional Internship, Magen David Adom, and IDF experience.


It is great to have the whole group back together!

We started the period with a fun and experiential trip to Eilat. The participants had the chance to do rappelling, then went on a challenging and amazing hike at Har Shlomo, a sunrise hike at Har Tzefachot, and ended the trip enjoying water sports in the Red Sea. This was a great opportunity for the group to come back together after several weeks apart! On Thursday we had the day to prepare for the volunteering period and start preparations for Purim.

Last Sunday the group started their volunteering. We divided the group into different volunteering organizations, according to their preferences. They were able to choose between working at a nursing home, teaching English to children at different kindergartens, helping community centers with gardening, working at a farm that deals with animal therapy and more.

During the evenings, we continued with our daily schedule, with activities from the madrichim, myself, Rav Ari and Rav Eli, Keshev and guest speakers.

This week we continued with the volunteering and continued with significant preparations for the upcoming celebrations for Purim! The participants were divided into different committees, and they are working vigorously on their various responsibilities to make it a very special Chag.

For Taanit Esther we had a few shiurim during the morning and then some time for the participants to rest and prepare dinner. After the fast the participants are working on a special evening highlighted by a “Mishmar”, with special learning and songs for Purim. On Thursday the group will be visiting the Barkan winery for a tour, before returning to Jerusalem to prepare for Shushan Purim. In the evening we’ll start the Purim schedule with the reading of the Megilla, all the group together at the Bnei Akiva offices, followed by a special party organized by the madrichim.

On Friday morning again we’ll have a Megilla reading, exchange of Mishloach Manot and an amazing Purim Meal that will continue into the start of Shabbat according to the ancient Jerusalem custom.


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