Two family groups of high school grads from 8 different countries have just begun their journey of discovery, personal development, independence, and adventure in Israel!
Stay tuned to this blog as we follow them around Israel as they forge their paths with Kivun!
Kivun is a Co-ed, experiential, 9-month Israel immersion program for the Northern Hemisphere, focusing on personal development, independent living and Jewish growth. Participants live in apartments in Jerusalem, where together with friends they learn about themselves, Judaism and Zionism through an incredible array of experiences such as Kibbutz, Volunteering, Seminars, Professional Internship, Magen David Adom, and IDF experience.
Over the past few weeks, the group has really gotten into what can be considered the “meat and potatoes” of the program as they have been busy with Internships, Yeshiva / Midrasha, and MDA. They are enjoying their daily routines of traveling to their respective placements, they have been divided into committees and have been running their shopping, cooking, and cleaning rotations. During this period they develop independence, cooperation, responsibility, and invaluable life skills. It's been amazing to see the participants involved and active in their personal routines and studies and to see them taking this period seriously.
In addition to the routine of work and domestic responsibilities, there is also a daily educational curriculum – with Ulpan lessons twice-a-week, and educational programming by our tzevet and Keshev. We have also been offering additional optional programming every day – including daily chavrutot with madrichim, an optional series on the “big questions” in Jewish philosophy with Noah Abramowitz, and a weekly informal tour around different neighborhoods in Jerusalem. We are also initiating a new program tonight – “Tishmar” with Rav Ari, which will be an evening of learning and songs to get into the mindset of Shabbat! Every few weeks we will be having region-based activities (Mexico & Latin America, North America, United Kingdom, and Europe) – focusing on local leadership in participants’ home communities within Bnei Akiva and beyond.
Every week the group has a special seminar day learning about the geopolitical and societal issues in the State of Israel by traveling to interesting sites. We’ve had days focusing on the Israeli periphery in Yerucham, culture, history and politics in Tel Aviv, and more… Each seminar day opens with our course on the roots of the Israeli - Palestinian conflict given by our Israel educator Matthew Lipman. These days have been both insightful and fun!
In addition, We are very excited to announce the new season for World Bnei Akiva: Kivun!
Registration for Kivun 2022/3 - 5783 opens October 7th, 2021
Please take a moment to think of any friends or family who, like your child, may be interested in a year in Israel of Jewish and personal growth and development – Their Hachshara. Their preparation for life!
Please direct them to for more information or to set up a call to learn more.