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Leadership and Hadracha, 2nd week of Machon - Limmud

Team Limmud

Updated: Sep 19, 2022

Limmud is a Co-ed, experiential, 9-month study and Israel immersion program for the Southern Hemisphere. The program aims to develop 5 circles of “identity” including: Jewish, Zionist, Spiritual, Communal & Personal. Within this framework, participants spend time at Yeshiva/Midrasha, and experience Israel with a wide array of activities and educational modules, as well as a meaningful journey to Poland. Limmud culminates with a 3-month collaborative with our Mechina Olamit, together with Israelis, and participants from the Northern Hemisphere.


This week Limmud went back into the classroom and had many different classes given by inspiring teachers. Miriam Tek led her first session of two on leadership. They discussed what makes a leader, and how leaders have come in all different shapes and sizes throughout history, as well as “where am I in respect to leadership?”. Then taking it a step further, talking about hadracha and the chanichim’s personal ability to lead and create a peulah for other chanichim, pass on a message that will impact others lives. Other classes focused on history, the present and how we can improve the future through the following topics: The Middle East, Israeli Politics, Activism, Zionism and Advocacy.

On Tuesday the group went to Herzliya, they focused on Israel’s outstanding “high-tech world”. At the WeWork center in Herzliya they met with Assaf Luxembourg, an expert at promoting Israel through business. They met with the head of RCGNZ, a start up that is developing technology allowing people to receive a personalized album at the end of a conference, course etc. by facial recognition. From there they headed to The House of Wheels where they learned how to help people with physical disabilities integrate into every aspect of life in Israel. They also got a small taste of what it’s like to be in their shoes i.e. the challenges of wheelchair and navigating blind!

Wednesday afternoon was spent in Neve Tzedek in Tel Aviv. The chanichim learned about the history of the neighborhood and those who lived there, one of them being HaRav Kook. They hopped over to Rothschild Boulevard for a Bauhaus tour, getting to see the unique architect ending with some free time in Tel Aviv. When they arrived back at Kiryat Moriah the chanichim decided to have a “Seudat Amenim”, learn and say Tehillim for friends and family who are unwell. It was beautiful to see them take initiative and do this all on their own.

Thursday was Yom Aliyah! The chanichim heard from Efrat Metzler, WBA’s Deputy Director and Head of Bogrim BA’aretz all about the WHY in making Aliyah. A discussion was held about making aliya on your own after Hachshara, University or any other time. We spoke about the courage it takes, the challenges you may encounter, the support you will have and the beauty in taking the “Aliyah Path”. I then spoke to the chanichim, sharing my aliya story, of an 11 year old girl whose parents made the choice for her and made aliya at the age of 35, leaving behind a good and settled life. We discussed aliyah being something that can be done at any age and time in life, each period having its own challenging and beautiful moments while knowing that in Israel they will always have a support system. We then went to “The Base” lone soldier center in memory of Michael Levin. There we heard from lone soldiers and Ari, the head of an army and sheirut leumi organization for anyone who wants to be a lone soldier or bat sheirut. Later at the Bnei offices we had a panel with Bogrim Olim. The chanichim got to ask them questions about their personal aliya experience and receive tips and pointers from them. The day concluded with a session presented by Telfed for the South Africans and Australians and Mesuah for the South Americans. Both organizations help with the aliyah process, by easing you into Israeli society and lending a hand in anything needed to make your aliyah experience greater.


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