Limmud is a Co-ed, experiential, 9-month study and Israel immersion program for the Southern Hemisphere. The program aims to develop 5 circles of “identity” including: Jewish, Zionist, Spiritual, Communal & Personal. Within this framework, participants spend time at Yeshiva/Midrasha, and experience Israel with a wide array of activities and educational modules, as well as a meaningful journey to Poland. Limmud culminates with a 3-month collaborative with our Mechina Olamit, together with Israelis, and participants from the Northern Hemisphere.
What an amazing week Limmud has had back at Mechina! It was so nice to have everyone back together under the same roof after Pesach vacation. There’s a lot to catch you up on from the Jerusalem seminar before Pesach to a beautifully meaningful Yom HaShoah ceremony the chanichim put on yesterday.

The Jerusalem seminar took the chanichim on an amazing experience over the course of 4 days. They got to explore a water duct in Armon Hanatziv, run around Jerusalem finding their own way through the cities historical streets, experience an ecological farm, hear about the history of Mishkenot Sha’ananim, a new VR 3D virtual reality expo, a visit to The Burnt House, touring the Hurva Shul, the renovated site of Ammunition Hill, a short tour of Mount Herzl, a musical workshop, the Museum of Underground Prisoners, a tour of the charedi neighborhoods and met with chareidim. They truly got to know Jerusalem from so many different angles.
Pre-pesach prep was filled with shiurim, eating chametz, hiding chametz, burning chametz and getting ready for the Seder in the Old City of Jerusalem. Their Haggadah was unbelievable!
This week on Mechina we had 2 more start-up boot camp sessions, one taught the chanichim about the business model canvas where they worked within their teams to build their businesses.

They had their regular Mechina classes and enjoyed a full week of learning.
On Wednesday night as Yom HaShoah started the group heard testimonies and had intimate discussions that arose amongst the group. Thursday morning the chanichim put on an extremely meaningful ceremony to remember the 6 million Jews and never forget what happened to our nation. They made a siyum in memory of Holocaust victims and saw the movie Jakob the Liar, the story of a Polish-Jewish shopkeeper named Jakob Heym who attempts to raise the morale inside the ghetto by sharing encouraging rumors that he claims he has heard on a radio. Followed by a meeting with Rabbi Rafi Ostruff as we start preparing for our trip to Poland mid-June.
In the words of Limmud's own Maya Rahamim from Perth, Australia:
Yesterday was Yom Hashoah, and for most of us, it was the first time we’ve commemorated it in Israel. On Wednesday night we had a tisch and many shared what this day means to them. The following morning the Cholent committee ran a group Tekes. Those of us who have family who perished in the Holocaust lit candles and kept their memories alive by sharing their stories. We watched a video detailing the sequence of events that took place created by Jeremy A, and Gil and Gidi sang כשהלב בוכה.׳’ Our ceremony concluded with a powerful Hatikvah. This Yom Hashoah was different from all others; we found meaning in hearing the siren for the first time and being able to combine elements of our own tekasim at home to create a new experience. It was very special to share it with everyone.
The day ended with uplifting singing around a bonfire, a united group of young Jews singing together and rejoicing in Israel - that’s our nation, our victory.