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Team Limmud 5783

Limmud's meaningful experience in the "Beis"!

Limmud is a Co-ed, experiential, 9-month study and Israel immersion program for the Southern Hemisphere. The program aims to develop 5 circles of “identity” including: Jewish, Zionist, Spiritual, Communal & Personal. Within this framework, participants spend time at Yeshiva/Midrasha, and experience Israel with a wide array of activities and educational modules, as well as a meaningful journey to Poland. Limmud culminates with a 3-month collaborative with our Mechina Olamit, together with Israelis, and participants from the Northern Hemisphere.


Limmud is now 3 weeks into the Yeshiva/Midrasha period where they are immersing themselves into the world of Torah and Jewish Identity right in time for the High Holidays. A big thank you to Toni Grollman from Perth, Australia, and Adir Krengel from Johannesburg, South Africa for sharing their personal experience of the past few weeks and giving you an insight as to what the group has been experiencing inside the walls of their classroom and the “beis”. Toni Grollman - Midreshet NIshmat: So far Midrasha has been amazing. We’ve had various classes from Tanach and Gemara, to Halacha, Modern orthodoxy and Rav Kook’s philosophy. The focus at the moment has been on Elul, where we’ve learnt different Sugiyot from Masechet Yoma, Sukkah, Rosh Hashonah, and Taanit. Something that really stood out to me was a chavruta I had with one of the girls from the Shana Bet Israeli program about Teshuva. Normally Teshuva is translated as Repentance, meaning showing sincere regret or remorse for our sins and consequently asking God for forgiveness for straying from the path of the Torah. However, Rav Kook in ‘Orot Ha-teshuva’ suggests Teshuva means a lot more than just that. He uses the world לחטא instead of חטא, to miss instead of to sin; the connection being that sinning is deeper than not following God’s will. It’s about straying from our own path, missing when trying to ‘hit’ our own goals. Hence the overall idea being to reflect and redefine what we’re aiming for and return to where we, ourselves have chosen to go. He implies that it is inherent in human nature to proceed towards morality and the right way. Therefore, by doing Teshuva during Elul and the Chagim, we are recognizing the innate goodness of our souls and returning to the way of God, by returning to ourselves.”

Adir Krengel - Yeshivat Darkei Yonatan:

Yeshiva for me has been quite a challenging yet rewarding experience. Two weeks ago we were thrown into the deep end and presented with the challenge of yeshiva- waking up early for davening, full day shiurim and much more. And although it started off as quite hard I feel that I have taken on the challenge head first. I love applying myself in class, enjoying the confusing language of Gemora, and connecting with Hashem. The class that I have connected most to is the once-a-week Rabbi Milston shiurim where we learn about tefillah. It’s often not that much actual learning but rather we read a line and go onto very interesting tangents about the basics of parenting , marriage, mentoring and becoming Madrichim. This has taught me and everyone else important lessons for the coming years whether it be in Bnei Akiva, in our future relationships or in both.

It has been a big privilege this Elul to learn and grow before Rosh Hashanah. And I feel super prepared for the holidays coming up now.

As we enter the chagim period at the start of a new year, while Limmud is nearing the end of theirs, I want to wish all of you and the chanichim a Shana Tova U’metukah, a good and sweet new year. May all the good we experience be more than just “good”. Just as we add honey to our already good and delicious apples, by adding the word Metuka, sweet, we make a point that all the good of this year to come should be the “sweetest” kind of good one can have. Good that will bring us a year full of growth, inspiration, peace, bracha and so much more.

Wishing you all a Shana Tova U’metukah,

Daphna & Limmud


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