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Team Kivun 5783

MDA and MARVA with KIVUN 5783!

A family group of high school grads from 8 different countries have just begun their journey of discovery, personal development, independence, and adventure in Israel!

Stay tuned to this blog as we follow them around Israel as they forge their paths with Kivun 5783!

Kivun is a Co-ed, experiential, 9-month Israel immersion program for the Northern Hemisphere, focusing on personal development, independent living and Jewish growth. Participants live in apartments in Jerusalem, where together with friends they learn about themselves, Judaism and Zionism through an incredible array of experiences such as Kibbutz, Volunteering, Seminars, Professional Internship, Magen David Adom, and IDF experience. For more information or to apply click here.

This week was another week of inspiration. MDA participants pulled daily shifts (night and day), and Marva spent an educational week up north.

MDA and Marva participants are growing in many ways, and we are beyond proud of their accomplishments.

Earlier this week, we celebrated Tu Bshvat! Marva provided fruits from Eretz Yisrael, and they held a Seudat Brachot. MDA participants also shared Torah and philosophical discussions about fruit, Eretz Yisrael, and everything in between.

This week MDA arranged a trip to see the brand new national blood bank and visit the MDA headquarters. Some of our MDA participants visited Yeshivat Machanyim and spent quality time studying Torah between shifts.

Marva spent most of the week up north, where they got some snow at Kibbutz Manara and learned about many fundamental wars and figures in the IDF and Israel.

This Shabbat, we are all together for our Shabbat Achdut, where we have already begun reconnecting and sharing experiences with each other.

As you may have heard, a terrible and horrific terror attack occurred in Jerusalem a few hours ago. Baruch Hashem we are all safe in Makabim.

We began the program today by saying Tehilim for all those affected by the attack and for Am Yisrael.

May we only hear Bsorot Tovot!

Shabbat Shalom!

Marva weekly reflections by Dina Kaufman - UK

We started out 4th week of Marva we are nearly half way through!

On Sunday we visited Michve Alon where we had a hebrew lesson with a mefakedet from the base.

On Monday we went to the Palmach cave where we learnt all about the attacks on the kibbutz and how they dealt with it.

On Tuesday we went to the Hashomer museum and had a talk with Eyal Dror, who was a commander of “ operation good neighbor”.

On Wednesday we traveled from Kibbutz Manera where we were staying to Tel Chai. Unfortunately we did not get to go to the valley of tears due to the snow but learnt all about the Tzvkia force and each tzevet presented a war in our evening of wars.

It been a crazy packed week with allot of fun. Constantly improving our knowledge of the wars of Israel. Attending the בית כנסת in the morning after an early start is definitely a highlight of the day with a daily minyan followed by an amazing breakfast.

We are really looking for the next week to come in Jerusalem and another shabbat on base!

MDA weekly reflections by Jake Rubin - USA

We started the day off at the MDA dispatch office and took a tour of it and saw how it worked. Then we went to the MDA blood bank and learned all about what each room would be and the storage and where they get the blood from. Then we had lunch and went to an organization called Save a Child’s Heart and we played with kids with heart diseases who came to Israel for surgery. Most were from Ethiopia and Zambia and Tanzania. That was pretty much it, it was super fun!


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