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Mechina Wrap-up and Golan Heights - Limmud

Team Limmud

Updated: Dec 12, 2021

Limmud is a Co-ed, experiential, 9-month study and Israel immersion program for the Southern Hemisphere. The program aims to develop 5 circles of “identity” including: Jewish, Zionist, Spiritual, Communal & Personal. Within this framework, participants spend time at Yeshiva/Midrasha, and experience Israel with a wide array of activities and educational modules, as well as a meaningful journey to Poland. Limmud culminates with a 3-month collaborative with our Mechina Olamit, together with Israelis, and participants from the Northern Hemisphere.


I’d like to give you an insight on the past three weeks of the program, they have been more than eventful. With the awful unexpected loss of Eli Kay HY”D and Israel closing its borders to Non-Israeli citizens, we have been busy making sure to maintain the group’s morale while attending to the issues at hand.

The last week in mechina was one to remember. Those who felt close to Eli Kay went to his funeral and shiva, to comfort one of our own chanichim who was very close to him as well as get their own closure. They also had a group discussion with Machon Keshev, a mental health organization, run by Yonatan Sinclair who helped them openly discuss their feelings around this loss.

On a more positive note, we had an amazing TED event to sum up the Mechina experience. The chanichim that spoke were inspiring and impressive to say the least. They then continued into their last shabbat and said goodbye to all their Mechina friends as they left for a week of Chanukah vacation.

This week we spent in the Golan Heights. It was the group's first time being back to their organic group of just Limmud. The bonding through the amazing experiences they had were seen and expressed greatly. We went to amazing lookouts like Mitzpe Leshalom where they got to know the Golan, seeing a view of the Heights all the way to the Kinneret. Tuesday started with an archeological dig in Majdulia finding ancient pottery from the second temple period era. There, mincha was held in a beit knesset that was rebuilt to resemble one from 1500 years ago. We hiked by Tel Saki and visited an army base, getting to know those who protected Israel 48 years ago, night and day and those who protect us now.

On Wednesday there was rain, but that didn't stop the group from having a wonderful time! They went to the Gamla nature reserve and viewed the Ben Tal mountain lookout, continued to Kibbutz El Ram to see the 77th tank battalion exhibit on their efforts to stop enemy invasion during the beginning of the Yom Kippur War. The day ended at the Golan Heights Winery where they enjoyed a tour, good vibes and great wine.

Today we spent the day in Aniam, volunteering and baking challah at their coffee shop.

We then summed up the experience at the World Bnei Akiva offices in Jerusalem and are looking forward to beginning our new period in Dimona this Sunday!


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