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Pesach Seminar! - MTA

Team MTA

Updated: Sep 19, 2022

MTA is a Yeshiva/Midrasha based Israel year program for participants from the Southern Hemisphere. World Bnei Akiva has partnered with four incredible institutions Midreshet Harova, Machon Maayan, Yeshivat Eretz Hatzvi and Yeshivat Har Etzion, where participants can soak up Torat Eretz Yisrael! Outside of yeshiva, they experience Israel through seminars, Shabbatonim and tiyulim as well as kibbutz and a life-changing journey to Poland.


Here is a summary of the Pesach Seminar from Kayla Sifris (Midreshet HaRova)!

We began our Pesach Seminar focusing on communities around Israel: On Sunday we went on a walking tour around the Nachlaot neighborhood of Jerusalem where we learned about different Jewish leaders, presidents and educators who had lived in the area and made an impact on the Jewish nation. We ended our tour at the modest home of Rabbi Aryeh Levin tz”l. Here we learned about what an incredible man the Rabbi was through stories. Afterwards we had a great lunch at the Shuk. Later on we were taken by a Belz Chassid on a tour of the magnificent Belz Shul.

We then arrived at Migdol Oz, had a pizza party for supper, a shiur with Rav Pini from the Gush and ended our night with night seder.

Monday was centered around Bnei Akiva. We hear talks from Ohal Tal (Mazkal of Bnei Akiva), Avigail from the Bnei offices - who shared her moving story of faith, how she realized she had Jewish roots and despite many challenges converted to Judaism - and from Rav Arik (head of WBA Mechina).

In the afternoon we had a Chaninich-run Shiur by Akiva Fox. Our night ended with a master chef pasta making competition and a Bnei Akiva panel run by Royi where we, the chanichim shared our views on topics such as the value of interacting with other sniffim around the world and Aliyah vs returning and giving back to our home communities.

Tuesday was all about the Gush! After shacharit, limmud yomi and breakfast we walked to the beautiful memorial park Oz VeGaon dedicated in the memory of Gilad, Eyal and Naftali. Here we spoke about the tragedy of the three boys, Operation Protective Edge and the response of the Gush community by building a park where the youth could channel their energy by volunteering and creating creating a magnificent park in Israel. We too volunteered in up-keeping the beauty of the park by pulling out the weeds around the memorial stones. Here we also met some Israeli soldiers. After lunch back at Migdol Oz we had a chanicha run Shiur by Adiella Lobel and a shiur by Rav Susman from Yeshivat Eretz Hatzvi.

In the afternoon we had MTA run Chaburot. Supper time consisted of a barbecue/braai and afterwards Rav Milston from Midreshet Harova came for mishmar, where we tished together and the Rav shared Divrei Torah.

Wednesday focused on Jews around the world. Rav Menachem Weinberg came to speak to us about the work he does helping converts from around the world and the Jewish communities in different countries. We then had a new session of MTA run Chaburot and after lunch and mincha Rav Shames from Midreshet Harova came to speak to us about the halachot of Kashering for Pesach, after which we began to clean. In the afternoon we had an uplifting shiur with Mrs. Meryl Lee from Machon Maayan. That night we cooked our own dinner making pastas and soups and sang around a bonfire.

The Chanichim are ready and excited for the MTA Seder!

Wishing you a Chag Pesach Kasher VeSameach!


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