MTA is a Yeshiva/Midrasha based Israel year program for participants from the Southern Hemisphere. World Bnei Akiva has partnered with four incredible institutions Midreshet Harova, Machon Maayan, Yeshivat Eretz Hatzvi and Yeshivat Har Etzion, where participants can soak up Torat Eretz Yisrael! Outside of yeshiva, they experience Israel through seminars, Shabbatonim and tiyulim as well as kibbutz and a life-changing journey to Poland.
For the past few weeks the Chanichim have been settling into their institutions.
From deciding which classes to attend or finding their way from their rooms to the dinning hall, going on Seminars or Tiyulim, or just becoming friendly with the Gemara, these first few weeks have been filled with new experiences.
I am so proud of how the Chanichim are coming along and cannot wait to see their growth throughout the year.