Two family groups of high school grads from 8 different countries have just begun their journey of discovery, personal development, independence, and adventure in Israel!
Stay tuned to this blog as we follow them around Israel as they forge their paths with Kivun!
Kivun is a Co-ed, experiential, 9-month Israel immersion program for the Northern Hemisphere, focusing on personal development, independent living and Jewish growth. Participants live in apartments in Jerusalem, where together with friends they learn about themselves, Judaism and Zionism through an incredible array of experiences such as Kibbutz, Volunteering, Seminars, Professional Internship, Magen David Adom, and IDF experience.
The group returned with renewed energy for what promises to be a very enriching few months of programming.

First, those who opted-in to our optional Simchat Torah programming had an exceptional time being hosted by the community of one of our madrichot. This provided an opportunity for interaction with Israelis their age, in addition to wonderful programming including parading around the community dancing with the Torah and group meals! After Simchat Torah we had a day when everyone returned to the flats and spent time re-organizing and then had a full-day Tiyul near the Dead Sea.

Last Shabbat was “Shabbat Hachshara” – a Shabbaton together with all World Bnei Akiva “gap-year” programs! Due to Covid-19 guidelines (and the security situation in March) this shabbaton did not take place since October 2019!! Over Shabbat, participants enjoyed Tefilot, activities and joint meals with unbelievable Bnei Akiva ruach – together with 280 youth from 18 countries! It was a real highlight!

This past week was “Masa Bereishit” – a five-day tour following the journey of Jewish history from Sefer Bereishit to the Destruction of the Beit Hamikdash: In Shilo we visited the site of the Mishkan and discussed Avraham, the journey in the wilderness and the Mishkan itself. In Ir David we learned about the the Davidic dynasty. In Beit Guvrin we talked about Bar Kochva. This was an incredible week when the group learned many more things and enjoyed the time together with the group.

In addition, We are very excited to announce the new season for World Bnei Akiva: Kivun!
Registration for Kivun 2022/3 - 5783 opens October 7th, 2021
Please take a moment to think of any friends or family who, like your child, may be interested in a year in Israel of Jewish and personal growth and development – Their Hachshara. Their preparation for life!
Please direct them to for more information or to set up a call to learn more.