MTA is a Yeshiva/Midrasha based Israel year program for participants from the Southern Hemisphere. World Bnei Akiva has partnered with four incredible institutions Midreshet Harova, Machon Maayan, Yeshivat Eretz Hatzvi and Yeshivat Har Etzion, where participants can soak up Torat Eretz Yisrael! Outside of yeshiva, they experience Israel through seminars, Shabbatonim and tiyulim as well as kibbutz and a life-changing journey to Poland.
What a great start to a new year!

The opening seminar was not only a great opportunity for the chanichim to get to know each other, learn together, and grow together, but they also had the opportunity to see different parts of Israel! We toured Tel Aviv and Yaffo, stayed on a kibbutz up north, met Israelis and different societies in Israel and most importantly got a taste of life in this beautiful land.

After just one week together, I am already so confident that this is a special year.
These next few weeks are going to be very transformative and important as the chanichim get situated in their yeshivot and midrashot. We cannot wait to see how they go as we're sure they will do amazing.