Dear Chaverim - Hashem Imachem!
This is a very special year for our movement.
This year we will mark the 14th World Veida with the slogan "Bnei Akiva - Now More Than Ever".
At this year's Veida we will delve into the uniqueness of our beloved movement. A movement that puts Torat Eretz Yisrael at its front, a movement that preserves its independence, is led by youth and draws its strength from the youth. A pioneer movement that goes out before our people, dealing with the changing challenges of the Jewish people and connecting with Jewish people who over the years have moved apart and seeking new paths of Zionistic action that meet the needs of the State of Israel.
The Veida will operate on three tracks:
Renewed Zionism
Ideology track
Bnei Akiva: Facing the challenges of the 21st century
For more details on the contents of each track, see the preliminary timetable.
Joining us for the Veida is your opportunity to make a difference in our movement for the coming years.
All the delegates chosen to participate in the Veida will come together in the month of Shvat 5779 in Jerusalem. We will gather together, as it is written - "From Zion the Torah will come forth, and the word of Hashem from Jerusalem."
Looking forward to seeing you all in Jerusalem.
B’Virkat Chaverim L’Torah V’Avoda
Roi Abecassis
Mazkal, World Bnei Akiva